Monthly Archives July 2011

tavolo di gusti

so much yumminess here: fresh bread from this morning’s shopping, Lucchese olive oil, truffle butter from our local deli, and homemade jams from our local produce shop: pear, apple-pepperoncini, apricot-almond.

La Mora… no mora :(

We were very sad to find out one of our most favorite restaurants is no longer open. This being our first long stay in two years, we were hoping to visit La Mora. I tried to call for a reservation, but fast busy. Website down. We’ll drive by and see if we can get a […]

Birra Artiginale al Farro

Finally made it to Piazza al Serchio and had this excellent brew at the local pizzeria, along with Speck + Mascarpone and Zole e Cipolla pizzas. Ventured a little further to the village of Petrognola and saw them setting up for a movable feast tonight (and tomorrow – maybe we’ll make it back there). The […]