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birra artigianale alle castagne

More yummy local beer!

italian tv

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pranzo a san marino

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cena a rimini

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birra di farro

Farro della Garfagnana, that is. Italy is not known for its beer, though I have found a few excellent interesting microbrews. Our local Self Service (not) market used to carry some excellent chestnut beers made nearby, but haven’t had them for over a year now. They replaced it with something else that was a lot […]

il frigo nuovo

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fuoco alla piscina

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lucca wifi

Discovered this today in the building near the Wall at Porta Santa Anna, which was a chapel last time I walked by. Inviato dal mio telefono

bella makes dinner

Tonight’s dinner is just a snack, then I’m crashing. We picked up some Prosciutto toscana, fresh local mozzarella, pesto, focaccia, tomatoes and fresh basil from the garden, then Bella made me these lovely little bruschetta for us

bmw welt

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