Dinner in Italy

We arrived in Pieve di Cerreto Thursday evening — too late to go grocery shopping, so we had our usual first dinner at I Macelli. Excellent as always, we sat near a German couple from Erfurt who were camping all over Italy. They came to see the famous bridge and read about the excellent restaurant. They were having some trouble communicating with the waiters and asked what I was drinking — they called it Vino Tinto — I thought I’d heard that somewhere before, but couldn’t place it (Mexico, it turns out). I ordered them a mezzolitre di vino rosso and they were happy to start chatting with me. I’d been to Erfurt myself when I lived in Weimar for a month, so we talked about east germany, and driving around the US. Last year they camped all over southern california, utah and the grand canyon. We spoke german, which i then had to translate into English for Bella, while speaking italian to the waiters. Isabella was impressed by Andrew’s kids’ bilingualism and decided that she wanted to speak more Russian, so I had render everything in Russian as well. Hard enough as it is, but good thing I had my mezzolitre di vino rossi to help out!

For Friday’s dinner, we made it to the grocery store. One of the nice things about Italy is that food is cheap! Like it was in the central valley when I was a kid. As much as I love the Bay Area and Boston, the food prices there are always shocking to me. Tonight I made 100% semolina pasta. It turned out amazingly light and delicious. The best I’ve made so far! I also managed to roll it out quite thin, but because I didn’t have a machine, it didn’t get over rolled at all, and I think that helped.


For sauce, I toasted several cloves of chopped garlic in olive oil, added some chopped red onion, four chopped roma tomatoes, dried rosemary (from the garden), sage, oregano and basil, and black pepper, with a few splashes of balsamic vinegar. Let that cook down for a while, until everything is soft and gooey. I also marinated some stracchino in olive oil and balsamic, and threw that on top of the pasta, along with the requisite parmesan cheese. And some prosciutto toscana e melone to munch along with it.


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